About Madrone Hospice


The staff and volunteers at Madrone Hospice are dedicated to giving compassionate support to terminally ill patients and their loved ones through illness, death, and bereavement. 

For us, this means providing physical, social, spiritual, and emotional comfort to those we serve.  We also provide community education about end-of-life care, loss, and grief.

Our Philosophy & VISION

We recognize dying as part of the normal process of living and we focus on supporting the patient and their loved ones to maintain their best possible life.

Madrone Hospice affirms life and seeks to neither hasten nor postpone death and respects patient autonomy.

We exist because we believe that patients and their families deserve to attain mental and spiritual preparation for death.  We intend to provide care that respects the patient’s individuality and supports their unique end-of-life journey.

By providing a broad array of services to those who are aging and terminally ill, we intend to be readily identifiable as an agency that helps to overcome the challenges inherent in those communities.

Hospice Team

  • Chris Clother

    Executive Director

  • Corrine Medlin, RN

    Director of Patient Care Services

  • Susan Sorenson, LVN

    Clinical Director of Palliative Care Services

  • Paula Schmidt, MSW

    Medical Social Worker

  • Lori Boswelll


  • Debbie Maxine

    Bereavement Counseling

Board of Directors

  • Mary Neill

  • Catherine Olivolo


  • Tana Gliatto


  • Dom Favero

  • Robert Kaster


  • Doug Langford

  • Darrin Mercier


  • Audrey Flower

  • David Wilson

  • Shannon Salvestro

  • Susan Wade

  • Jennifer Shelton


    In 1984, a hospice program was envisioned by a small group of community members here in Yreka, California. A committee led by Edna Barr met in Bob Kaster’s Law Office to create Madrone Hospice, Inc. establishing what would become the state’s first rural hospice provider. The program was initially staffed by volunteers who supported patients in their homes. These kind-hearted individuals very often worked in the hospital or town clinics and gave their evenings and weekends to the cause of hospice.

    Click to the next slide to see our major milestones:

  • 1980's

    1984: Madrone Hospice was created

    1987: Local Soroptomists coordinated the first Madrone Hospice Art Auction

  • 1990's

    1990: The McConnell Foundation funded a one time grant, and the board hired Dan Jacobs as Executive Director

    1991: The original Hospice Shop was opened at the corner of Oregon and Miner Street by volunteers.

    1993: The Hospice Shop moved to its current location with volunteers Audrey Wells and Mary Hedge working as co-managers.

    1994: Audrey Flower was hired as Executive Director

    1995: Hospice was licensed and Dr. LaCom was brought in as our first Medical Director. Mary Lou LaCom transitioned from Volunteer Coordinator to Director of Patient Services, and other medical professionals were brought in as well.

    1999: The Madrone House was completed

  • 2000's

    2002: Under the guidance of Charlette Rice, Heartisan Boutique opened as a place to recycle goods into one-of-a-kind home decor items.

    2009: Began operation of Madrone Senior Services

    2011: Dr. Bruce Rigor stepped into role of Medical Director

    2012: Audrey Flower retired, Terrie Berentsen hired as Executive Director

    2012: Served 1,000th patient in the Madrone House

    2017: Laurie Hunner took the reigns as Executive Director

    2022: Chris Clother joined as Executive Director

  • Thank You for Your Support

    A small team of professionals and volunteers all wore many hats as they developed Madrone Hospice’s services. During our first year of licensure, we provided hospice care to 19 patients and their families. In 2022, we provided care to 216 individuals.

    We owe our growth and advancements to the support of the community. Thank you to all who help us achieve our mission of providing quality compassionate care to the people of Northern Siskiyou County.